Boat excursions in Otranto. Visit the Salento coast, the caves and coves, with lunch on board.

The Zinzulusa Cave is located in Castro and is among the most fascinating caves in Salento. It is a real karst cave as it arises from the bed of an old underground river that has now dried up.

It is characterized by the presence of numerous limestone formations: stalactites and stalagmites.

It was discovered in 1793 thanks to the Local Bishop but the first cleaning and safety works began in 1950. We also remember descriptions of the cave by Teodoro Monticelli (1807), Brocchi (1821), Cosimo De Giorgi (1874), Ulderico Botti (1870-1874) and Armando Perotti (1871).

Our grandparents say, however, that the fishermen were the first to enter this cave and, when they brought their wives to show the cave, they exchanged the stalactites in rags hung to dry (zinzuli in the local dialect) and from the word zinzuli, they called the cave “Zinzulusa Cave”.

It has a very wide arch and continues inside for about 140 metres; the route begins with the "Conca", a small lake with very clear water in which marine components can be found. Afterwards there is the "Corridor of Wonders" where the union of stalactites and stalagmites create fantastic shapes. Ends at "Cocytus"; another lake where a large underwater corridor approximately 250m long was identified.

At the end of the Zinzulusa Cave, years ago, a troglobite sponge was found, which at present would appear to be unique in the world. These are very primitive invertebrates that take the shape of a sponge.

By taking part in our Otranto - Zinzulusa Caves excursion it is possible to reach the wonderful entrance of the cave